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Sony Camera Information

New options for Laser Obstacle Scanner cameras: How does FCB-EV9520L stand out with superior performance

SONY FCB-EV9520L integrated camera core module can stand out in the field of laser obstacle detectors with excellent performance, mainly due to its advantages in many aspects, which directly meet the high performance needs of laser obstacle detectors in complex environments.




1. Excellent performance of optical zoom

The 30x optical zoom capability of the SONY FCB-EV9520L is particularly important in laser clearance operations. Laser scanners often need to accurately identify and locate obstacles at a distance, while optical zoom ensures clear capture of objects at a distance without loss of image quality. This ability is especially critical in complex environments, such as mountainous areas and urban tall buildings, and can greatly improve efficiency and accuracy.


2. Imaging capability in low light environment

Laser scanner operations sometimes need to be performed at night or in low-light environments, and the SONY FCB-EV9520L’s low-light imaging capability is a highlight. The high sensitivity and low light performance of its STARVIS2 CMOS sensor enables clear, bright images to be captured even in extremely low light conditions, which is critical for safety and efficiency in nighttime operations.


FCB-EV9520L 0.00008Lx


3, super image stabilization

When the laser obstacle clearing instrument is working, it may be affected by many factors such as wind and vibration, resulting in image jitter. FCB-EV9520L equipped with super image stabilization technology (with S and S+ mode), can effectively reduce the impact of these interference factors on the image, to ensure that the transmission of the picture is clear and stable. This is of great significance for applications requiring high-precision image analysis, such as accurate measurement of obstacle size and position.


4, regional automatic exposure, focus and white balance function

The SONY FCB-EV9520L integrated camera core module’s new three-zone function (zone automatic exposure, focus and white balance) also performs well in laser clearance operations. These features allow the operator to divide the picture into multiple areas and set the exposure, focus, and white balance parameters for each area independently. In complex lighting conditions, such as scenes with direct sunlight and shadows, these features ensure that details in different areas of the image are clearly and accurately presented, improving job accuracy and reliability.


FCB-EV9520L Spot Focus,Spot AE,Spot AWB


5, real-time and low delay

In the operation of laser obstacle remover, real-time performance and low delay are important factors to ensure operation efficiency and safety. SONY FCB-EV9520L integrated camera core module with 3G-SDI coding control board, can output stable, real-time image screen, can effectively improve the real-time performance of laser obstacle scanner.


Especially in the low delay mode, the FCB-EV9520L video output can be almost synchronized with the scene, providing timely and accurate information support for the operator. This is of great significance for rapid response to emergencies and adjustment of operation strategies.


6, comprehensive application and integration

When the FCB-EV9520L module is integrated into the laser obstacle clearing equipment, its compatibility and collaboration with other parts of the equipment need to be fully considered. Through reasonable interface design and software optimization, the seamless connection and efficient collaboration between modules and devices can be realized to further improve the overall performance and user experience of devices.

To sum up, the SONY FCB-EV9520L integrated camera core module has significant advantages and potential in the application of laser obstacle remover. By giving full play to its optical zoom, low-light imaging, super image stabilization, new three-region function and low delay, the efficiency, accuracy and safety of laser obstacle clearing operations can be greatly improved.





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