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Sony Camera Information

When the rolling shutter camera shoots moving objects, how to do?

When taking pictures of moving objects, is a global shutter camera better than a roller-shutter camera?


Danny Wang, senior engineer of Xuan Zhan Technology, has made a special comparison of the measured results. According to the measured results, we will discuss with you: When using a rolling shutter camera, the tailing of moving objects is more serious, is there a way to solve it? How to solve it?

When the rolling shutter camera shoots moving objects, how to do? - Sony Camera Information - 1

01 Lower exposure
Reducing the exposure value can reduce the exposure time, but it will also reduce the brightness of the image. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust according to the actual situation to find the best exposure value.


02 Use a higher ISO
If lowering the exposure value causes the image to be too dark, try raising the ISO to compensate for light loss. Be aware, however, that there are pros and cons, and a high ISO may introduce noise.


03 Use flash or fill light
In the case of low light or need to increase the shutter speed, you can use a flash or fill light to increase the light, thereby reducing the tailing phenomenon. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the timing and intensity of the use of the flash or fill light to avoid overexposure or affecting the image quality.


04 Upgrade your camera or lens
Some high-end roll-shutter cameras or lenses have better dynamic performance, which can reduce the tailing phenomenon to a certain extent.


SONY FCB-EV9520L integrated camera movement with 1/1.8 inch STARVIS™ CMOS Sensor, its AR anti-reflection coating minimizes double image/ghost phenomenon, and is able to capture images at night and in dark environments without loss of critical information, with super stabilization. It can suppress and reduce the tailing phenomenon of the image.


05 Increase shutter speed
Using a faster shutter speed can reduce exposure time and thus reduce tailing.


In the field test of Danny Wang, senior engineer of Xuanzhan Technology:


When using a slower shutter speed (that is, a larger exposure time), such as: 1/100 second, global shutter camera and rolling shutter camera, shooting moving object images have a very serious tailing phenomenon, and rolling shutter camera than the global shutter camera has a larger tailing.


When the exposure time is gradually reduced, such as 1/180 second, although the tailing phenomenon of the roll-shutter camera is not as obvious as that of the global shutter camera, it is also developing in the direction of becoming better and clearer;


When the exposure time is adjusted to 1/500 second, even if the fan speed is adjusted to the fastest 12 stops, the edge of the fan blade captured by the global shutter camera is very clear, and the rolling shutter camera still has a trailing phenomenon. If in the same exposure situation, the fan speed is adjusted to a relatively slow 1 gear, the shutter camera captured the edge of the fan blade still has a certain trailing phenomenon, but the brightness of the whole picture does not change much, will not affect the normal output of the image. This is also one of the significant advantages of rolling shutter cameras, which can perform better in low light conditions.


06 Software post-processing
Some image processing software provides tools or plug-ins to reduce tailing. Although this cannot completely eliminate the tailing, it can improve the image quality to some extent.


07 Optimize shooting technique

Predict the trajectory of moving objects and try to take pictures when the objects are moving slowly or at rest.

If the object is in periodic motion (such as a rotating wheel), try adjusting the frame rate to match the object’s period of motion.

Note that each approach has its advantages and disadvantages and may need to be adjusted on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, it is recommended to try different approaches in real applications to find the solution that best suits your needs.

For the trailing phenomenon of rolling shutter cameras when shooting moving objects, you can adjust the shutter speed, exposure value, use flash or fill light and other methods to improve, or choose high-end rolling shutter cameras, SONY FCB  camera module, are high-end rolling shutter cameras. With high definition, high sensitivity, low illumination, zoom, fast focusing, wide dynamic, anti-shake, fog, noise reduction, less noise, high highlight suppression and other excellent functional performance, can be used as a cost-effective choice.




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